Biml Training

Biml TrainingIn a nutshell, Biml is automation for SSIS package creation. Biml is an acronym for Business Intelligence Markup Language, which is an XML-based language and interpreter to allow programmatic construction of SSIS packages. If you are building a lot of similar SSIS packages, or the metadata for the packages changes frequently, Biml can significantly reduce the amount of time and work required to create or maintain those packages. For those who have never used this technology, Biml training can help.

Biml Training

To help get you and your staff started using Biml, I offer a 2-day Introduction to Biml course. This course is designed for those who have experience with SSIS but have not previously used Biml. This course is interactive, and includes at least 10 hands-on labs so you can learn by doing.

Among the topics covered in this workshop:

  • Intro to Biml
  • How Biml fits into the SSIS development life cycle
  • Review of ideal use cases for Biml (and where Biml might not be a good fit)
  • The Biml language specification
  • Creating simple packages using Biml
  • Managing data flows in Biml
  • Energizing your Biml using script (BimlScript)
  • Creating a metadata-driven load using BimlScript
  • Customized data mappings using Biml

In addition to lecture on the topics above, this workshop includes several instructor-led demos followed by hands-on lab exercises. For private deliveries of this course, the content can be customized to meet the needs of your team.

This class is typically delivered onsite at your office. Some of the courses above can be delivered remotely, and occasionally some are offered as public classes. These public classes are announced on this blog and in my newsletter.

If you have questions about the training options for Biml, or if you are looking for training on a related topic not listed above, feel free to contact me to discuss.