Upcoming Presentations in May

atlNext month, I’ll be making a couple of stops at SQL Saturday events in the south.  On May 3, I’ll be attending SQL Saturday #285 in Atlanta and presenting my SSIS Performance session.  I’ll be traveling with my good friend and neighbor Ryan Adams, who is also presenting at the event.  In addition, several of my Linchpin People cohorts are also in attendance, which means I should probably bring along some extra bail money.  Although I’ve been to Atlanta several times, I’ve never gotten to attend the SQL Saturday there, so I’m looking forward to meeting some new people.

SQLSAT308_SPEAKINGThe following weekend, I’ll be visiting the good folks in Houston for SQL Saturday #308.  At this event I’ll be sharing two of my favorite topics: SSIS performance and SSIS scripting.  Having previously attended SQL Saturday in Houston, I know a little about what to expect (Texas barbecue for lunch…. holla!), and I always dig hanging out with fellow Texans down south.  This event will be a first for me in that I’m taking along my whole family for the trip.

If you’re in Atlanta or Houston for either of these events, come by one of my sessions and say hello!  I hope to see you there.

About the Author

Tim Mitchell
Tim Mitchell is a data architect and consultant who specializes in getting rid of data pain points. Need help with data warehousing, ETL, reporting, or training? If so, contact Tim for a no-obligation 30-minute chat.

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