It’s that time again! My Eleven Days of Festivus blogging extravaganza is now in its third year, and I’m happy to share one blog post per day with you for the 11 days between now and Festivus Eve (December 22nd).
As before, I’ll link all of the posts from this page. May your feats of strength be mighty, your airing of grievances be comprehensive, and your Festivus miracles be scientifically measurable. Happy Festivus!
Day 1: Naming Convention Hall of Shame
Day 2: Change Tracking Inserts Require SELECT Permission
Day 3: Extract The File Name In SSIS Data Flows Using The FileNameColumnName Property
Day 4: Using The SSIS Multiple Flat Files Connection Manager
Day 5: Processing Multiple Files In SSIS With The Foreach Loop
Day 6: SSIS Catalog Execution Parameter Values
Day 7: SSIS Catalog Automatic Log Cleanup
Day 8: Personal Touch: An Argument Against Automation
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